Sunday, April 20, 2008


We've finally had some warm weather in the last week, with highs of 20 degrees. The snow has taken a beating and we've been itching to spend some more time outdoors. Today Morgan helped her dad wash the car.

It was Owen's first birthday party today. Morgan was so excited about the party she talked of almost nothing else for the 2 days leading up to the big event. Owen's dad Dan is home from Afghanistan on leave for his son's first birthday. He made Owen a Winnie the Pooh birthday cake (he frosted it too!). Jody thinks I'm overly impressed by that fact, but I don't know any other dads who make their children's birthday cakes (well, except maybe my dad). Of course, I should mention that Jody did make breakfast this morning which consisted of eggs, sausage and toast :)


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