Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Hurricane Julie

Hurricane Julie blew into town last week, and I don't think I've had a good night sleep since. I guess she can't be blamed for all of it, but if I can blame someone else I usually do. Actually, its been great to see old friends who have moved home, who are visiting for a short while, and even those who live here but we just don't see enough of. At least I felt this way until last night when I realized that my friends can be just plain sassy. We went to Tricia's where we started off having a little drink of wine and chit chatting. Then someone mentioned chicken wings, summer teeth and bingo and it went down hill from there. All I can say is get in the fast lane, mamma's going to bingo!

The last week or so has been filled with dinner with friends, baby showers, parties, and play dates. Just thinking about it is making me tired. I need a nap.

Jaida and Morgan met for the first time and got along smashingly.

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Vacation Week

Jody was on vacation last week and although we didn't have a whole lot planned, it turned out to be a busy week. We celebrated Gloria's birthday a little early with dinner and cake. We also celebrated our 3rd wedding anniversary on the 15th. We headed to Maine for a shopping trip since Morgan has been begging us for some new clothes. We finally gave in to her hounding, and we were so busy shopping that we didn't even get a picture.

Krista came for a visit on Saturday and she and Morgan finally got a chance to meet. As you can see, they hit it off.

Jay and Christa were married on Saturday in a small ceremony in their backyard. It was a beautiful setting and the speeches had everyone in tears.

Miss Bella had her first birthday this past weekend and had a big bash to mark the occassion.

After all that activity, Morgan was played out.

Friday, August 11, 2006


Congratulations to Peter and Tracey on the long awaited arrival of their beautiful baby girl, Ava.

We finally broke down and bought a baby-mobile. It was bound to happen once the baby was born and it was either a minivan or station wagon. The station wagon won out and we love it!

In other news, it looks as if I'll be going back to work in September. It will be tough for me to leave Morgan and join the working world again, but I think it will be good for both of us. But really, who would want to leave this little monkey? What a poser.

Monday, August 07, 2006

Happy Birthday Mom

Happy Birthday mom!

Although you can't tell from this picture, mom wasn't the only one at her party. That cake looks D-Lish.

New Brunswick Day Weekend

As you can see from this blog, Morgan is the center of our world and we love her more than we could have ever imagined. Here are a few shots from this past weekend.

Pretty girl

This is her J-Lo outfit.

Cool dude. She normally hates her sunglasses, but I put my sunglasses on first and she then thought that they weren't such a bad idea.

We went to Odell Park today and Morgan had a great time in the swing.

We watched the ducks but Morgan was more interested in the other kids.

Thursday, August 03, 2006

Hang Ten

Miss Morgan is sporting her surfer swimsuit and spending some time chilling poolside or floating around in the pool. She knows how to enjoy herself...