Thursday, September 14, 2006

9 Months Old

Congratulations to Dan and Karen on the birth of their baby girl, Morgan Noble, on August 30th. She's a beauty.

Our Morgan is 9 months old now and is getting cuter every day. She loves walking around while holding onto our hands, and would march around for hours if our backs could take it. She's also pretty fond of the toothbrush. I think it feels good on her gums.

We are heading off to the Harvest Jazz and Blues festival tonight. I love Fredericton in September. It starts off with the craft festival over the labour day weekend (although it was a little disappointing this year), and then the music festival rolls into town. Its fun just to walk around town, listen to live music in random places and people-watch. Of course my birthday is in September too, so what's not to like? Laissez les bons temps rouler.

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Bringing home the bacon

It certainly feels as if summer has come to an end. Labour Day has come and gone and I felt like I was starting my first day of school yesterday as I headed out the door for my first day back to work since Morgan's arrival. It seemed like a monumental task to get us all out the door by about 7:30 am, but we did it. We dropped Morgan off at daycare and she seemed okay with it, although she did turn her head away when I tried to kiss her goodbye. I headed across the street to work and had a good day getting caught up with everyone and waiting for my computer to be set up. Not a lot to do with no computer these days, so I was forced to chat. When we picked Morgan up at the end of the day, we were told she had a good day. She loved the walk, and slept for 2 hours. She did cry for a minute when she laid eyes on me, but all in all it seemed to go well.

This gives new meaning to the term "bubble bath"

This was our little ham on the way out the door to daycare holding a smile and blowing bubbles at the same time.