Sunday, May 27, 2007

Summertime Fun

This time of year brings lots of friends to this neck of the woods. We had a few of these visitors over for a barbeque on Friday night. We got to meet "baby" Morgan and we got to see how much Vance has grown... and boy has he grown in a year and a half!

The McGatheys came bearing gifts, and this little number is the bomb. I wish I had an outfit like it.

On Saturday we all got dolled up and headed off to the Goodine wedding. It was a lovely ceremony and the bride and groom were beautiful.

Strike a pose!

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Thought for the Day

I was fortunate today to participate in a session with First Nations representatives and learned more about aboriginal culture in a couple of hours than I have in over 30 years. Imelda Perley led a cleansing smudging ceremony where braided sweetgrass was burned. After the day was done, I was left wondering how I was raised in a city with a First Nation community in it, and today was the first time that I ever really learned about their culture. Then I started to think about the fact that when I lived in Massachusetts, I was constantly asked about my heritage and people really identified with their ancestry (for example being Irish or Italian) even though they had been in America for generations. It never seems to be a topic of conversation here. I know of my friends whose parents were the first generation to settle in Canada, but beyond that, people don't seem to talk about it. Am I off base here???

...and now for the reason you check the blog

We went to Emily and William's house for a play date which is always fun.

Thanks Emily! See you next time.

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

God Love Ya

Happy 54th birthday Art!

Sunday, May 13, 2007

Redneck Woman

Congratulations to Suzanne and Wayne on the birth of their beautiful baby girl Anna Elizabeth. Here is a picture of the Osbornes the day before Anna made her early appearance.

After many years of hearing about the camp and the Dungarvon, Jody and I finally made the trip through winding (and over 15 kilometers of dirt) roads to get to the camp. We hung out and went 4-wheeling.

Today was Mother's day, and we spent time with both of our mothers. We are very fortunate to live close to both our moms, and of course I am grateful that I now get to celebrate this day as a mother. Morgan is a joy to be around and a bit of a character.

Sunday, May 06, 2007

Fun Times

Happy Anniversary to mom and dad, as well as Julie and Weston!

Eric had his 2nd birthday party this weekend, and we helped him celebrate. He made out like a bandit. A good time was had by all.

And the lucky duck even had a co-op cake. YUM!

Bella came over for a playdate today and the girls got along great.